Watch now: Recruit faster with LinkedIn CRM Connect

In today’s hiring landscape, TA teams are constantly looking for ways to improve their recruiting workflows, build strong pipelines of warm talent, and optimize hiring processes to remain competitive. LinkedIn CRM Connect empowers talent teams to do all of this —and more.

Clinch is proud to be one of the first companies globally to collaborate with with LinkedIn on their LinkedIn CRM Connect integration. As an early adopter this new integration enables talent teams to seamlessly connect LinkedIn candidates with the Clinch CRM, facilitating targeted communication workflows, sourcing new candidates, and synchronizing candidate information between Clinch CRM and LinkedIn Recruiter – Saving recruiters time to focus energy on high-value tasks, enhancing overall productivity and recruitment outcomes.

Watch our recent webinar as we dive into the functionality and hear from industry leaders to understand how they’re using LinkedIn CRM Connect with Clinch Recruitment Marketing to optimize their proactive sourcing strategies.

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